Nowadays, we’ve
been fighting against Covid-19 virus
Outbreak. As a Geoscientist,
this condition makes us
difficult to do our specialities like field observation, field trip, data acquisition, or any other fields analysis. But, little did we know that
actually, we still can do field observation from our own home, but how is that
possible? Yes, by using remote sensing.
Image by DEMNAS
So, What is
Remote sensing actually?
Remote Sensing is
a method that used to collect information about an object, a region or even a
phenomenon by analyzing the data that has been collected by a device without
making any direct physical contact with the object, region or phenomenon that
is being studied (Lillesand and Kiefer, 1994). The device that is used for
collecting data could be aircraft (with or without crew), air balloon, or even
satellite. These devices will catch any electromagnetic energy that is
reflected by earth’s surface in which its sources are from the sun or its own satellite. The data that has been
processed will come out as satellite imagery. Beside satellite imagery, we also
can use geophysics data from any open sources.
Satellite imagery of distribution Satellite of Volcano cone in Garut
and Volcano complex in
Mt. Dieng
The data of Remote Sensing for Volcanology can
give us information about the shape and the distribution of eruption product
like a pyroclastic
deposition, flow and lava dome by looking at the specific form appeared. Besides that, the data of remote sensing can give
us illustration about volcano complex and its eruption history that can be seen
by the differences of erosion
level, an active volcano with
the distribution of pyroclastic and lava flow.
2. Fold
structure in sedimentary rock
structure in sedimentary rock shows a special appearance that can be seen by
satellite imagery. These are the satellite imageries of sedimentary rocks: alluvial (A) Sandstone (B) Shale (C) Bedding of sand-clay (D) and
the slope of bedding plane northwards.
3. Disaster
hazard of mass wasting
In Satellite
imagery, the symptom of mass wasting is shown by the specific shape like those
that resemble to horseshoe shape, steep slope, vent pattern that parallel to
landslide cliff, humidity of
lower part of the cliff, the height of topography along the river cliff, etc.
Although type of mass wasting can’t be specified just by satellite imagery, initial
prediction can be predicted from the form of that mass wasting product.
4. Seismic
activity record (dr. Iris. Edu)
We can know
seismic activity in the form of earthquake.
dr. Iris. Edu provides
seismic data with its occurrence time and its seismic measurement station.
These data can be used to know the type of seismic that occurred and also can be used to determine the hypocenter of the earthquake.
5. Gravity
(topex.uscd. edu)
method's data can be accessed freely (open source) from internet by
surfing on Almost all
data of earth’s surface region across the world can be accessed on this
website. The data in Topex are basically a regional data. Analysis
function in gravity map can be used to determine fault, block, and mitigation.
[1]. Noor,
Djauhari. 2008. Pengantar Geologi.
Bogor : Pakuan University Press
[2]. Soetoto.
2015. Penginderaan Jauh Untuk Geologi. Yogyakarta
[3]. Sutanto.
1979. Pengetahuan Dasar Interpretasi Citra. Gadjah Mada University Press.
[4]. diakses
pada 18 April 2020
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