Sunday, May 31, 2020


The Indonesia archipelago was formed 300 millions years ago from tectonic activity. Indonesia is located on the border of three main plates namely, Eurasia, India-Australia, and Pacific-Philippine sea.

The geography of Indonesia and the surrounding area shows tectonic boundaries and present volcanic activity. Active volcanoes along archipelago arcs are the result of a series of plate collision activities that form the ring of fire. The red arrows show the vector of subduction plates in some area.

Sumatra Cross Section Schematic (Mobile Oil Corp)

Sumatra arc cross section - trench system is formed by subduction of the oceanic plate (Indian-Australian) under the continental plate (Eurasian). The tectonic system formed is the oblique subduction zone, the Mentawai fault zone, and the large Sumatra fault zone which divides the island of Sumatra from the Semangko bay to Banda Aceh. Continental plates are thick and old consisting of volcanic arcs with Permian, Cretaceous, and Tertiary ages. Magmatic rocks form above the Benioff zone which is mostly marked by silicates and intermediates. The movement of Indian and Australian plates caused the two plates to collide resulting in forearch island and magmatic arc island such as the Mentawai islands.

Java Cross Section Schematic (Mobile Oil Corp.)

In the Java cross section demonstrating that this arc was formed due to subduction of the oceanic plate beneath the continental plate. The continental crust on Java is thinner and has a relatively young age consisting of plutonic volcanic arcs. Magmatic rocks are mostly intermediates type. On the Javanese plateau there are two plate systems that is South China Sea Plate (Eurasia) in the north and the Indian Ocean Plate in the South. The Eurasian Plate has been moving southeast since the oligocene while the Indian Ocean Plate is moving and dipping down the arc systems of the Java and Sumatra island.

The process of forming volcanic arcs (Katili, 1974)

The oblique extension around the subduction zone that is show the mechanical field effects of the tectonic plate. Collisions between oceanic crust sinks beneath the continental crust which causes melting of rock that moves to the surface through fractures becomes magmatic arc. On the Java and Sumatra islands the formation of volcanoes occurred due to the collisions of the Indian Ocean crust with the Eurasian Continent crust. Accretion comes to the surface and becomes an island due to stronger subduction. Beside the formation of volcanoes, tectonic ctivity and geological conditions (volcanology, magmatism, geological structures, etc.) are the main factors as geothermal and porphyry deposits.

[1] Hall, Robert. 2009. Indonesia Island. Universitas London
[2] Katili, A. John. 1974. Geological environment of the Indonesian mineral deposits:a plate tectonic approach. Geological Survey of Indonesia.
[3] Katili,  A. John. 1974. Volcanism and Plate Tectonics in The Indonesian Island Arc. Elsevier Scientific Publisher Company.

Fauzi & Arif

Monday, May 4, 2020


Nowadays, we’ve been fighting against Covid-19  virus Outbreak. As a Geoscientist, this condition makes us difficult to do our specialities like field observation, field trip, data acquisition, or any other fields analysis. But, little did we know that actually, we still can do field observation from our own home, but how is that possible? Yes, by using remote sensing.

Image by DEMNAS

So, What is Remote sensing actually?
Remote Sensing is a method that used to collect information about an object, a region or even a phenomenon by analyzing the data that has been collected by a device without making any direct physical contact with the object, region or phenomenon that is being studied (Lillesand and Kiefer, 1994). The device that is used for collecting data could be aircraft (with or without crew), air balloon, or even satellite. These devices will catch any electromagnetic energy that is reflected by earth’s surface in which its sources are from the sun or  its own satellite. The data that has been processed will come out as satellite imagery. Beside satellite imagery, we also can use geophysics data  from any open sources.

1. Volcanology (

Satellite imagery  of distribution Satellite of Volcano cone in Garut 
and Volcano complex in Mt. Dieng

The data of Remote Sensing for Volcanology can give us information about the shape and the distribution of eruption product like a pyroclastic deposition, flow and lava dome by looking at the specific form appeared. Besides that, the data of remote sensing can give us illustration about volcano complex and its eruption history that can be seen by the differences of erosion level, an active volcano with the distribution of pyroclastic and lava flow. 

2. Fold structure in sedimentary rock 

Fold structure in sedimentary rock shows a special appearance that can be seen by satellite imagery. These are the satellite imageries of sedimentary rocks: alluvial (A) Sandstone (B) Shale (C) Bedding of sand-clay  (D) and the slope of bedding plane northwards. 

3. Disaster hazard of mass wasting

In Satellite imagery, the symptom of mass wasting is shown by the specific shape like those that resemble to horseshoe shape, steep slope, vent pattern that parallel to landslide cliff, humidity of lower part of the cliff, the height of topography along the river cliff, etc. Although type of mass wasting can’t be specified just by satellite imagery, initial prediction can be predicted from the form of that mass wasting product. 

4. Seismic activity record (dr. Iris. Edu)

We can know seismic activity in the form of earthquake. dr. Iris. Edu provides seismic data with its occurrence time and its seismic measurement station. These data can be used to know the type of seismic that occurred and also can be used to determine the hypocenter of the earthquake.

5. Gravity (topex.uscd. edu)

Gravity method's data can be accessed freely (open source) from internet by surfing on Almost all data of earth’s surface region across the world can be accessed on this  website. The data in Topex are basically a regional data. Analysis function in gravity map can be used to determine fault, block, and mitigation.


[1]. Noor, Djauhari. 2008. Pengantar Geologi. Bogor : Pakuan University Press
[2]. Soetoto. 2015. Penginderaan Jauh Untuk Geologi. Yogyakarta
[3]. Sutanto. 1979. Pengetahuan Dasar Interpretasi Citra. Gadjah Mada University Press. Yogyakarta
[4]. diakses pada 18 April 2020
[5]. diakses pada 21 April 2020

Fauzi & Irfan